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  • Writer's pictureCoach Hannah

Partner 10s!

Updated: May 1, 2020

Grab a partner (maybe a sibling or a parent!) and get in a fun workout! This workout is designed for you to move as fast as possible on your turn and then rest (and cheer loudly!) while your partner is working! You will complete 2 different types of burpees and then 2 core movements throughout the workout. Before you begin make sure you think about how you are going to bring energy to the workout! What are you going to do or say in order to increase your energy and also help those who are with you to increase theirs? Think of some specific things you can say and do throughout the workout and see how your attitude and energy changes! Work hard and remember: You are STRONG, You are IMPORTANT, You can DO HARD THINGS! …. WARMUP  Tabata -side shuffles -pretzel stretch …. WORKOUT 8 minutes AMRAP (as many reps as possible) *with a partner 10 inverted burpees 10 bridges 10 burpees 10  supermans

*switch partners …. Thrive Kids. Strong Bodies. Strong Minds. 

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